Satyam Cinemas played host to the trailer release event that was held in Chennai. The trailer was released by Rajini in the presence of producer and Sun Network’s Kalanidhi Maran. Suffice to say the event was star-studded and Tamil cinema, in its entirety, gathered at Satyam to cheer for the Endhiran team and the superstar himself on the feat. In other parts of Tamil Nadu, hundreds of Rajini fans made sure the event is given its due credit by bursting crackers and bringing the CD of the trailer in procession.
The Chennai event was peppered with arousing speeches by the who’s who of the Tamil film industry including Rajini himself, Vairamuthu, Shankar, K S Ravikumar, Lawrence, Baghyaraj, Cheran, Vijayakumar, Arya, Sarathkumar, Abhirami Ramanathan, Vivek, Parthiban and V C Guhanathan, apart from the invitees that ran into hundreds of names.
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